National AgendaBy: Carmen Willings Updated June 8, 2019 According to the American Foundation for the Blind, "The National Agenda represents a broad consensus of how educational programs must change to meet the needs of students with visual impairments." The goal is to prepare students with visual impairments to meet the challenges of the 21st century. The National Agenda is broken into 10 goal statements that apply to infants, toddlers, children and youth who are visually impaired, including those with multiple disabilities. The following are ways, outlined in the National Agenda, that Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments can implement the agenda at a local level. Goal 1: Timely ReferralStudents and their families will be referred to an appropriate education program within 30 days of identification of suspected visual impairment. Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments (TVI) and Orientation and Mobility (O&M) Specialists will provide appropriate quality services.
Goal 2: Parent ParticipationPolicies and procedures will be implemented to ensure the right of all parents to full participation and equal partnership in the education process.
Goal 3: Personnel PreparationUniversities with a minimum of one full-time faculty member in the area of visual impairment will prepare a sufficient number of TVI's and O&M specialists for students with visual impairments to meet personnel needs throughout the country.
Goal 4: Caseload DeterminationCaseloads will be determined based on the assessed needs of students.
Goal 5: Array of ServicesLocal education programs will ensure that all students have access to a full array of service delivery options.
Goal 6: AssessmentAll assessments and evaluations of students will be conducted by or in partnership with personnel having expertise in the education of students with visual impairments and their parents.
Goal 7: Assess to Instructional MaterialsAccess to developmental and educational services will include an assurance that textbooks and instructional materials are available to students in the appropriate media and at the same time as their sighted peers.
Goal 8: Expanded Core CurriculumAll educational goals and instruction will address the academic and expanded core curricula based on the assessed needs of each student with visual impairments.
Goal 9: Transition PlanningTransition services will address developmental and educational needs (birth through high school) to assist students and their families in setting goals and implementing strategies through the life continuum commensurate with the students' aptitudes, interests, and abilities.
Goal 10: Professional DevelopmentTo improve students' learning, service providers will engage in ongoing local, state, and national professional development.
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