Visual Tracking ActivitiesBy: Carmen Willings Updated June 9, 2019 The Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments can work with a student to help them develop efficient use of their vision for shifting their gaze between materials presented and visual tracking objects and people. These skills will help prepare a student for learning as well as prepare them for safe and efficient travel. Visually Track Slow Moving Lights, Objects, and FacesVisually track slowly moving lights, objects, and faces horizontally to the midline and vertically. Rather than practicing this skill for extended periods of time or outside of the context of an activity, select toys/materials with lights. When presenting the item to the student, encourage the student to visually fix on the item and then slowly track it before giving it to them.
Track horizontally across midline, and diagonally. This can be worked on in a similar way. Move the item slowly, if the student loses their visual fix, return the item to where the student lost the fix and wiggle it, if necessary, to gain their attention. Visual Track the Movement of PetsTrack the movement of pets within the immediate environment. Some students may be more motivated to watch the playful movements of pets instead of people. If this is the case, encourage them to develop the skill with pets and then transfer the skill to observing and tracking peers and adults.
Visually Track Movement of Adults and PeersDescribe gross and fine motor movements of adults and peers in an indoor settings. Ask the student to observe and comment on the actions of people in their near, midrange and distance environments.
Visually Track Movement of ToysEncourage students to visually track the following items.
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