Tactile Books & Book BagsBy: Carmen Willings
teachingvisuallyimpaired.com Updated May 27, 2024 A book without tactile illustrations for a student who is blind is like a book without pictures for a sighted student. Creating tactually interesting books is important to foster an interest in reading. There are some simple ways to make books accessible to all students. Creating tactile books and book bags is a fantastic way to make reading accessible and engaging for students who are blind or have low vision. Here's a step-by-step guide to creating these resources:
Tactile Books
Book Bags
By creating tactile books and book bags, you provide students with meaningful and multisensory reading experiences that promote literacy development and engagement. These resources cater to the unique learning needs of students who are blind or have low vision, fostering a love for reading and learning. More Book Ideas
ECC InstructionThe ecc
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