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- ECC Task Boxes, Functional Braille Literacy Activities
ECC Task Boxes, Functional Braille Literacy Activities
The ECC Task Boxes, Functional Braille Literacy Activities is a Grab and Go supplement to the TVI's Guide to Teaching the ECC. I absolutely love using this with my students! It contains suggested everyday objects for each unit (objects that can be found for free in the school or community, around your house, or purchased at the dollar store), vocabulary cards, order cards, and simple reading passages. Data collection charts provide print and simulated braille. Print the vocabulary and order cards on braille cardstock and add the embossed braille. Similarly, braille the short braille sentences or copy into a braille translation software program and emboss copies of braille for the student. Minimize the spreading of germs and make as many copies as needed for the students on your caseload.
As a companion to the TVI’s Guide to the ECC, the worksheets correspond to the ECC Thematic activities and units presented in the curriculum guide. These fun activities will help the student refine their functional braille reading skills while bridging ECC concepts presented in the thematic units and incorporating real objects and tools. Although these vocabulary cards, order cards, and passages were specifically created to document and increase braille reading and writing fluency and task completion, they may be used to build magnifier fluency by producing passages in regular or smaller fonts for near magnifier use or enlarged for distance magnifier used or entered into a typing program such as APH’s Talking Typer to build keyboarding fluency. Finally, these activities can be used by print readers (e.g. peers, caregivers, TVIs who need to maintain braille skills, etc.) who want to learn or maintain braille skills. Simply fold the vocabulary card, order card, or worksheet in half to "decode" the braille, or read the print, produce it in braille, and check your accuracy.
Note: This resource book is a digital pdf download. Once you make your purchase you will be directed to an order confirmation page. The download will be included on the receipt sent to the email address you provide. The pdf download can be found directly under the order number.
*Single Instructor Use but may be copied for use with as many students on instructor's caseload.
*Does not include objects or embossed copies of materials.
Product details
Digital pdf download: 313-page print and simulated braille vocabulary cards, order cards, and worksheets
Publisher: Teaching Students with Visual Impairments
Author: Carmen Willings
Language: English
*Please contact me if you need to purchase using a purchase order. I am happy to help guide you in the process of adding Teaching Students with Visual Impairments as an approved vendor for your school or program or you can visit the product support page for information on using a PO.