Cause & Effect apps are great for younger children. Although some older students with multiple disabilities may need cause & effect activities, be sure to look for apps that are AGE appropriate.The following is a list of apps you may find helpful in working with younger children or those with multiple disabilities.
Free or Paid upgrade. Art of Glow by Natenai Ariyatrakool. Touch the screen to create glowing pictures. Adjust amount, size, life time, speed and blink as well as shape and color for customization.
$1.99. Baby Buttons. Colorful buttons make sounds when you touch them.
Balloon Pops. Each screen has 10 balloons of varying colors and sizes. Touch a balloon to pop it and get a satisfying “pop” sound. Option to have a audible count of # of balloons popped up to 10.
Free. Baby First Aquarium is a fun game app to simulate an aquarium! Background music plays while the user pops bubbles and TAP on the swimming fish to make them swim faster! Features vibrant colors and fun sounds.
$0.99. Beautiful Bubbles. (Joe Scrivens) Bubbles offers moving targets to touch and “pop.” Two modes: just for fun or challenge mode which keeps score for bubbles touched and missed.
$3.99. Bloom. (Brian Eno) Tap the screen to create pools of soft color accompanied by gentle music tones.
$0.99. Bubbles (Hog Bay Software) Run your finger(s) across the screen to produce bubbles that float and fall with the force of gravity.
Free or Paid upgrade. Color Splurge - Color and Recolor Effects. This app lets you select a photo from your photo albums or facebook to color. Image is presented in grayscale and color as added as you touch the picture.
Free. Draw Stars! Yellow and blue stars appear on screen at the touch of your fingers! Animation & Sound.
$2.99. Eda Play Elis was designed for the training of vision and fine motor skills. The user is encouraged to touch the screen to interact with the pictures and the character Ellie. Bright colors, high contrast and verbal prompts to interact make this a good choice to use with children with visual impairments.
Free on iTunes and GooglePlay! Eda Play Toby was designed for the training of vision and fine motor skills. It consists of two parts: a "watch" stage and an "touching" stage. It features simple shapes with high contrast that move and are visually interesting for younger children.
$2.99. Eda Play Pauli was designed for the training of vision and fine motor skills. The Pauli game is different from Toby in that the plot of the game is to experience a day in a life of a girl named Pauli. The user is encouraged to watch what is going on and touch the screen to make something happen.
Free. Fluidity is a beautiful interactive app that allows the user to control the fluid flow and colors by touching the screen. My students love the mesmerizing flow of colors that encourages visual attending and interaction.
Free and Paid versions. Forge of Neon 3D The student can create glowing shapes in 3D with this app. Colors, rate, and shapes can be adjusted!
$0.99. iLoveFireworks Fireworks appear on screen at the touch of your fingers.
$0.99. iSnow-Flake (Mark Keroles) Life like simulation of falling snow. Tap screen to see colorful snowflakes. High contrast.
$1.99. Magic Fingers is another great app and one of my new favorites! It features a solid black back for high contrast and allows the user to choose from a selection of patterns and plays background music.
Tap-n-See Now was the first app for iPad and iPhone created specifically for children with cortical visual impairment (CVI). The bright colors and fun pictures in this cause and effect app will also appeal to babies and young toddlers without CVI.
$3.99 Trope. Similar to Bloom but instead of pools of color streaks of color jet across the screen.